tisdag, januari 05, 2010

The Magic Queen sent us presents

Today is the day of the Three Kings. In Spain los Reyes Magos arrive with presents for the children. And even if I am in Sweden where they don’t celebrate it this way, mamma and I received presents, not from the kings but from the Magic Queen Gina. We got them in a package from the USA at the post office. It is -15 degrees and freezing today but we went down to the post and found a huge package.

It contained the following: the coolest red Converse my mother has ever seen that fitted perfectly, a Viking bag for mamma which she will carry all spring and summer, a security blanket for me which mamma thinks is for keeping me happy at all times, and I got a soft organic cotton blanket that they can wrap me in to keep me warm. But best of all is my friend the turquoise vibrating bird. It vibrates when you pull it. I love it.

All this today when pappa has left for Dubai and my mother felt sad. Our home is stripped of homey things because the photographer came by earlier to take pictures. Mamma is selling the flat next week and she can’t wait for it all to be over so we can move to our new home.

But now we are both happy again and look forward to using all the presents in the spring, in only three months! Happy Magic Kings and Queens Day!

2 kommentarer:

ginab sa...

Oh, Dubai...my goodness.

I will miss your flat. Skum. I will miss the balcony where I have watched a lady cut people's hair. The funny parking, the park not far, the lake there.

The bright kitchen window!

But the presents came! Yeah! I like the soft wee blanket (to go under the pirate's head). Could not resist!

ginab sa...

I forgot to sign off!

the queen for three kings,


who loves the pirate more than all